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Partnership For Drug-Free NJ

Partnership For Drug-Free NJ

The Partnership for Drug-Free NJ invited us to develop a public service awareness effort encouraging adults to make a place at the dining table with their teen. Time spent over any meal together would open the lines of communication and lessen the likelihood of their teen trying marijuana.

Rather than a traditional, gloomy scare-tactic approach, we visibly presented taste appeal as an enticement to bring families to the table. We called this our: “Food & Family” campaign.

We developed Print Ads, Posters, Supermarket Bags, Toll Booth Placards, Radio, Billboards, and Bus Cards, presenting facts about family time together and teen marijuana abuse. This award-winning campaign gained wide distribution in a co-promotion with Panera Bread and received statewide and national recognition for its success and fresh approach.

Work Mix



Supermarket Bags




Transit panels