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StimulusBrand wins 12 Awards

It was raining Gold, Silver & Bronze. at this year’s annual Awards event for NJ Communications, Advertising & Marketing Association held at Jasna Poland CC. A great mix of our agency ( work was honored to receive 12 trophies. Twelve! A mix of Gold, Silver and Bronze. The work was a mix of Advertising, Logos, Outdoor,Video, a TV campaign and more. What’s more, the winning work noted below represented work for 10 different agency clients:

StewartXerox – Print Ad campaign

Tokyo Marine Insurance – Full page print

StewartXerox – Full page print

Banchi Outdoor Adventures – Full page print

Philadelphia Insurance – Full page print

Lawrence High School –Logo/Trademark

The Sphere Project – Logo/Trademark

StewartXerox / Logo/Trademark

NJ Carjacking Awareness Campaign – Outdoor

StimulusBrand – Self-promotion Video

The Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce –TV Campaign

Philadelphia Insurance – TV Internet Promotion

“We are thrilled for the people behind this award-winning work and grateful to our clients for trusting our team as we create exceptional branding and advertising on their behalf,” says agency principal Tom McManimon.  I invite YOU to learn and see more inside our CASES PORTFOLIO at

To see how we can help unleash your brand to succeed, call Tom McManimon at 609.538.1126.  Or send an inquiry from our Contact page in this website.