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9 quick questions to knowing your own brand.

Do you deliver or sit through an Annual Review in your job? Usually, this process provides a barometer in how you are performing and what steps you can take to make improvements or enhance your skills and value. The same can be said when it comes to your personal brand. We can easily convince ourselves that we KNOW exactly how we project ourselves and exactly what others perceive. Do you? Really?  Maybe this quick 9 question review can help you fine tune the brand called YOU.

Going through these 9 questions can give you a quick study into the strengths (or weakness) associated with your brand perception. This exercise can also help you better understand your business brand and see where to make improvements.

You are your own Chief Marketing Office of the brand YOU! Take the exercise seriously. Keep your answers simple and be truthful.

1. Product Offerings (What are you ‘selling’?)

2. Characteristic Attributes (What people can always expect you to be!)

3. Symbols & Signals (What colors, styles etc. are you known for?)

4. Brand Personality (3 descriptors of your personality)

5. History & Reputation (What reputation do you have? Baggage?)

6. Associated Benefits (Functional, Emotional and/or Sensorial)

7. Who are your Core Consumers? (Who loves you the most?)

8. What is your Position / Role? (Leader/Follower, Father etc.)

9. What is your Brand Capsule? (What is your Consumer’s core idea of YOU in 3 words?)

Once you have completed the exercise, share it with (your key consumers) – your boss,  your spouse or significant other, and a few close friends who you can trust to give you honest feedback – firm it up and lock it down. If there are areas that you find you are not happy with, figure out what you would like those areas to say.This can be fun and sometimes eye-opening. If you’re open to hearing from your “trusted” friends, perhaps they too will be open to hearing about themselves from you.Want this to help? Be tough and true. If you find weaknesses, or ‘areas of opportunity” recognize them for what they are, so that you can fix them over time. Ignoring them won’t make them go away anyway. When you find strengths – you’ve got some right? – note them down so that you can build on them. Those are your leverage points – they will come in very handy as you are building your brand identity, and trying to move forward with strengthening your personal brand.

Want this to help? Be tough and true. If you find weaknesses, or ‘areas of opportunity” recognize them for what they are, so that you can fix them over time. Ignoring them won’t make them go away anyway. When you find strengths – you’ve got some right? – note them down so that you can build on them. Those are your leverage points – they will come in very handy as you are building your brand identity, and trying to move forward with strengthening your personal brand.

Improve the brand called YOU! Read more at: Individual Branding—It’s Personal.